5 Reasons to Buy an Investment Property This Fall in Florida

Updated October 1st, 2021

Thinking about buying an investment property? Make sure you read this blog post to discover 5 reasons to buy an investment property this Fall in Florida…

Are you thinking about buying an investment property in the near future? You can buy any time of year but you may want to think about buying this fall.

5 reasons to buy an investment property this Fall in Florida…

Reason #1 To Move Forward

buying an investment house in the spring

Fall is a time of optimism. Whether you live in sunny Florida or in the snow-covered northern states, with the holiday seasons coming up, people are in a more giving and friendly spirit.

Many New Year’s resolutions have been made and broken and people drag themselves through February and into March. Then, there is a change in the weather with nicer weather and new colors all around us which brings more energy and a sense of renewed purpose. So use the next month or so to analyze different properties, buy one or more, and start receiving the benefits of having an investment property

So use the next month or so to analyze different properties, buy one or more, and start receiving the benefits of having an investment property

Reason #2 To maintain your 90 Day Cycle

Research has shown that people who are most successful at accomplishing their goals have a plan of action for each 90-day cycle. As mentioned above, people shuffle through the summer but as Fall arrives, there is a renewed determination to refocus and move towards financial freedom.

Maybe your goal is to buy several investment properties this year. By buying one in the Fall, then you can plan and look around and buy your second or third property in the fall and reach your target.

Reason #3 To Reap The Financial Benefit

When people wait for the beginning of the year to buy an investment property they are not reaping the financial rewards throughout the year. Tax breaks and rental income will benefit you for most of the new year.

Reason #4 To Get It Done Before Summer

Summer is busy and routines change. Our schedule gets interrupted and plans and goals get postponed. Eliminate the temptation to put off buying an investment property because the majority that don’t buy in the Fall.

Buy in the next few months and then enjoy your summer holidays. Taking action NOW leaves you with fewer regrets LATER.

Reason #5 To Become Financially Free Faster

Maybe you are just starting out in real estate investing or maybe this is the last rental property that you need to have your passive income become more than your expenses.

Either way, buying a cash flowing property this Fall will help you become financially free. Financial freedom arrives when income that you don’t have to work for (passive income) is more than your monthly expenses.


There are many reasons to invest but these are 5 reasons to buy an investment property this season in Florida.

We have a large selection of investment properties and we are constantly adding to it, so if you want to see what we have available, click here now and fill out the form our call our office at 407-903-6168.

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